API documentation
The Handwriting OCR API provides a simple, reliable way to extract text and data from documents and images. Using state-of-the-art OCR technology, it can process handwritten text, printed documents, and structured data like tables. The API is RESTful, uses JSON for response data, and requires authentication via API tokens.
This is the latest version of our API and is recommended for all new users. For our previous version, see API version 2 documentation.
Key Features
- Handwriting recognition and text extraction
- Table structure detection and data extraction
- Support for PDF and common image formats (JPG, PNG, TIFF, etc.)
- Multiple export formats (TXT, DOCX, JSON, CSV, XLSX)
Basic Process
1. Upload Document
Start by uploading your document with a specified action:
: Extract all text from the documenttables
: Extract data from tablesextractor
: Extract structured data using a Custom Extractor.
2. Check Status
After upload, your document enters the processing queue. Check its status using the document ID returned in step 1.
3. Download Results
Once processing is complete, download the results in your preferred format:
- Transcription: TXT, DOCX, or JSON
- Tables: XLSX or JSON
- Extractor: XLSX, CSV, or JSON.
Getting Started
- Create an account at handwritingocr.com
- Generate an API token in the dashboard
- For Custom Extractors, create and test an Extractor first.
- Test the API with a sample document
- Monitor results in the dashboard
The API uses token-based authentication. Each request must include a valid API token in the Authorization header. API tokens provide full access to the document management API for a specific user account.
- Tokens are generated through the web interface at https://handwritingocr.tech/settings/api
- Tokens never expire but can be revoked or replaced at any time.
- Multiple active tokens are not supported
- Token permissions cannot be customized - each token has full access to all API endpoints
Authentication Header
Include your API token in all requests using the Bearer authentication scheme:
Authorization: Bearer your-api-token
- For technical support or questions, contact support@handwritingocr.com
User details
This endpoint returns the user's basic account details, including page credit balance.
GET /api/v3/auth/meHeaders
Key | Value | Required | Notes |
Authorization | Bearer your-api-token | Yes | |
Accept | application/json | Yes |
Response Codes
Code | Explanation |
200 | Success - Returns the authenticated user's account details. |
401 | Unauthorized - Invalid or missing API token |
List documents
Retrieves a paginated list of documents belonging to the authenticated user. Documents are sorted by creation date in descending order.
GET /api/v3/documentsHeaders
Key | Value | Required | Notes |
Authorization | Bearer your-api-token | Yes | |
Accept | application/json | Yes |
Request Parameters
Name | Type | Required | Notes |
per_page | integer | No | Number of items per page. Default is 50. Maximum 200. |
page | integer | No | The page number for pagination. Defaults to 1. |
action | string | No | Filter results by action. Options are transcribe , tables , extractor .
status | string | No | Filter results by status. Options are new , processing , processed , failed .
Response Codes
Code | Explanation |
200 | Success - Returns list of documents |
401 | Unauthorized - Invalid or missing API token |
422 | Validation Error - Invalid parameters |
Upload Document
Upload a new document for processing. Supports PDF files and various image formats. The API will automatically check the page count of the submitted document against your credit balance before queueing for processing.
POST /api/v3/documentsHeaders
Key | Value | Required | Notes |
Authorization | Bearer your-api-token | Yes | |
Accept | application/json | Yes | |
Content-Type | multipart/form-data | Yes |
Request Parameters
Name | Type | Required | Notes |
file | file | Yes | The document to process. Valid file types are PDF, JPG, PNG, TIFF, HEIC, GIF. Maximum file size is 20MB. |
action | string | Yes | The action to perform on the document. Valid values are transcribe to extract text, tables to extract tables, and extractor to apply a custom extractor.
delete_after | integer | No | Seconds until auto-deletion. Overrides the auto-deletion period set in your user settings. Minimum is 300 seconds. Maximum is 1209600 seconds (14 days). |
extractor_id | string | No | A 10-character alphanumeric string e.g. Ks08XVPyMd. Create and test an extractor in the dashboard to get the extractor ID. Required when action is extractor .
prompt_id | string | No | A 10-character alphanumeric string e.g. Ab08RsPyMd. For custom prompts. Requires Enterprise subscription. |
Response Codes
Code | Explanation |
201 | Success - Document created and queued for processing |
400 | Bad Request - Missing required fields |
401 | Unauthorized - Invalid or missing API token |
403 | Forbidden - Insufficient page credits |
415 | Unsupported Media Type |
422 | Validation Error - Invalid parameters |
429 | Too many requests - Rate limited. |
500 | Server Error - File storage or processing failed |
Download result
Retrieve the status of a document or download the processed results. The format extension is optional - if not provided, returns a JSON response. If the format extension is provided, downloads the processed document in the specified format.
Image thumbnail URLs are provided for each page. These images must be authenticated with your API token to download.
We strongly encourage using a webhook instead of polling this endpoint repeatedly. Webhooks provide a more efficient and real-time alternative by automatically delivering the processed result in JSON format to a specified URL as soon as the document is ready, saving you bandwidth and reducing latency. You can set your webhook URL through the user dashboard at https://handwritingocr.tech/settings/documents
GET /api/v3/documents/{id}[.{format}]Headers
Key | Value | Required | Notes |
Authorization | Bearer your-api-token | Yes | |
Accept | application/json | Yes |
Path Parameters
Name | Type | Required | Notes |
id | string | Yes | The document's unique identifier, example abcde12345 ..
format | string | No | Output format. Varies by action: valid values are txt , docx , xlsx , csv , and json .
Response Codes
Code | Explanation |
200 | Success - Returns document status (without format) or file (with format). |
202 | Accepted - Document is still being processed. |
400 | Bad Request - Invalid format for action type. |
401 | Unauthorized - Invalid or missing API token. |
403 | Forbidden - No permission to access document. |
404 | Not Found - Document not found. |
500 | Server Error - Error preparing file for download. |
Delete document
Permanently delete a document and its associated files. This action cannot be undone.
DELETE /api/v3/documents/{id}Headers
Key | Value | Required | Notes |
Authorization | Bearer your-api-token | Yes | |
Accept | application/json | Yes |
Path Parameters
Name | Type | Required | Notes |
id | string | Yes | The document's unique identifier. |
Response Codes
Code | Explanation |
204 | Success - Document deleted. |
401 | Unauthorized - Invalid or missing API token. |
403 | Forbidden - No permission to delete document. |
404 | Not Found - Document not found. |
500 | Server Error - Error deleting document. |