Can iOS Notes convert handwriting to text?

Yes, the Notes app in iOS can convert handwriting to text. This feature is particularly useful for users who prefer to jot down notes by hand but need the flexibility of digital text for editing and sharing purposes.

How to Convert Handwriting to Text in iOS Notes

  1. Create a New Note: Open the Notes app and create a new note or select an existing one where you want to add your handwritten text.
  2. Use the Drawing Tool: Tap on the 'pencil' icon to enter the drawing mode. Use an Apple Pencil or your finger to write your notes by hand.
  3. Convert to Text: As of iOS 14 and later, the feature called Scribble automatically converts your handwriting to typed text. You can select the handwritten text, and a contextual menu will appear. Tap on 'Copy as Text' to convert and paste it as digital text within the note or elsewhere.

Additional Tips

  • Ensure Legibility: The handwriting recognition works best when your writing is clear and legible.
  • Supported Languages: Check if your language is supported by the Scribble feature to ensure accuracy in conversion.
  • Backup: Always back up your notes to iCloud to avoid data loss.

Alternative Methods

If you frequently work with PDFs or images containing handwritten notes, you might find the built-in iOS Notes app limited in functionality. For more robust features, you can use dedicated OCR (Optical Character Recognition) tools to convert handwriting to digital text. One such tool is HandwritingOCR, which supports converting handwritten text from PDFs or images to editable digital text. You can try it at

Using a specialized OCR tool like HandwritingOCR is beneficial for bulk processing or when advanced features like language detection, better accuracy, and additional formatting options are needed.