Can you convert handwriting to text in OneNote?

Yes, you can convert handwriting to text in Microsoft OneNote. OneNote provides a handy feature that allows users to convert their handwritten notes into typed text with ease. This can be especially useful for organizing your notes and making them more searchable. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Write Your Handwritten Notes: First, use a stylus or your finger to write notes on a OneNote page.

  2. Select the Handwriting: Use the lasso tool to draw a circle around the handwritten text you want to convert.

  3. Convert to Text: Once your handwriting is selected, go to the Draw tab and click on Ink to Text. OneNote will then convert your handwriting into typed text.

Important Points to Note:

  • This feature is available on several platforms, including Windows and iPad. However, functionality may vary slightly between different versions of OneNote.

  • The accuracy of conversion relies on the clarity of the handwriting. For best results, try to write as neatly as possible.

If you're looking for more specialized tools that handle various handwriting conversions, you might also want to consider using HandwritingOCR, which supports the conversion of handwriting in PDFs or images to text. You can check it out at

Additional Resources:

This information should help you get started with converting handwriting to text in OneNote. If you have any further questions or need help troubleshooting issues, feel free to reach out to Microsoft's support or explore other OCR tools like HandwritingOCR.