B in Cursive
B in Cursive
B b
B b
Benjamin built a birdhouse from scratch in his backyard.
The ballerina balanced gracefully on her toes.
Biology brings fascinating insights into how living things function.
The bookstore was bustling with excited readers.
Barbara baked a batch of blueberry muffins for breakfast.
The brave soldier protected the borders of the country.
The bright sun shone over the beautiful beach.
Billy borrowed books about biomes from the library.
Bethany bravely faced her fear of heights.
The baseball bounced off the bat and soared into the sky.

The letter B is an important part of everyday writing, and mastering its cursive form can help children aged 10-11 improve their overall handwriting fluency. This worksheet combines tracing, word writing, and sentence composition exercises to encourage students to practice the letter B in a variety of contexts.
By practicing advanced sentences, students can refine their handwriting while developing stronger language skills. Sentence writing encourages children to connect letters fluidly and maintain consistent letter sizes, which is essential for achieving neat and legible cursive handwriting.
Parents and teachers can customize the worksheet to better meet the needs of each student. Adjusting the level of difficulty or incorporating personalized sentences makes the practice more engaging and relevant.
This free worksheet is available for download. Help your child improve their cursive writing by practicing the letter B in advanced sentence structures.