I in Cursive
I in Cursive
I i
I i
Isabella was inspired by the stories of explorers who ventured into uncharted territories.
The icy wind whipped through the streets, making everyone pull their coats tighter.
The inventor spent years perfecting his design, finally achieving the breakthrough he had hoped for.
The intricate details of the painting were a testament to the artist’s skill and patience.
Ian’s interest in history led him to visit ancient ruins and learn about past civilizations.
The island was a peaceful retreat, far from the hustle and bustle of the mainland.
Iris carefully arranged the flowers in the vase, creating a beautiful centerpiece for the table.
The important document was signed by the leaders of both nations, marking a new era of cooperation.
The insects buzzed around the garden, drawn to the bright colors of the flowers.
The icy waters of the river flowed swiftly, carrying small pieces of ice downstream.

Writing the letter I in cursive requires careful practice, especially when connecting it with other letters in longer sentences. This worksheet helps students refine their cursive handwriting by guiding them through letter tracing, word writing, and sentence composition exercises that challenge their fluency and accuracy.
The letter I appears frequently in both common and complex words, making it essential for students to master its form. This worksheet encourages students to write full sentences that help them improve their handwriting fluency while applying their grammar and punctuation skills.
Parents and teachers can customize the worksheet to meet the needs of each learner. Adjusting sentence difficulty or adding personalized content helps keep the practice engaging and effective.
Download this free worksheet today to help your 12-13 year old practice the letter I with advanced cursive writing exercises.